10 RV Travel Workouts (Stay Fit on your Road Trip)

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RV living is often an active lifestyle, but it can also be hard to stay in shape on the road. When I moved into an RV in 2016, the lack of routine in my lifestyle caused me to stop going to the gym regularly.

Even though I hiked often, the lack of consistency (and constantly eating out in new places) led to weight gain and a decrease in my overall fitness level. Over the last three years, I have built an exercise routine that works on the road.

Here are 10 RV travel workouts that keep me in shape while traveling.

Streaming Workouts

The core of my RV exercise routine is attending streaming workout classes. I take classes using the obé Fitness app. The app offers live classes, but I typically take classes from their enormous library of pre-recorded classes, so I don’t have to worry about being on time.

An obé membership costs $169.99 per year (or $24.99 monthly). The membership includes unlimited live classes and access to over 10,000 on-demand classes. You can also download classes for offline workouts, which is ideal for road trippers who love remote campsites.

The app offers all types of workouts, so you can customize a plan that fits your needs (or follow one of their programs where workouts are selected for you). Below is my personal obé workout plan, plus all the gear I use for my RV workouts.

I usually do these online workouts inside the RV, but they can all be done indoors or outdoors.

RV Workout Plan with Streaming Classes

Yoga – 2x per week

Woman doing downward dog yoga pose at RV campsite.

Taking yoga classes through obé has made me stronger and more flexible. I take yoga classes at least twice per week when traveling in my RV.

When I first started doing yoga, I did obé’s 20-minute beginner classes where poses are clearly explained and the pace is slower. Now that I am more comfortable in my practice, I take their 28 or 45-minute vinyasa classes. These flow classes build strength and get my heart rate up!

All that is needed for yoga classes is a mat. I highly recommend an extra-thick yoga mat for RV workouts. The added cushion makes it more comfortable to work out outside on a variety of surfaces.

If you plan to do yoga regularly, also bring a set of blocks along on your RV road trip. You can always use a book or some RV leveling blocks, if you don’t have any yoga blocks.

Strength Training – 2x per week

Woman taking online workout class inside RV.

I also take obé strength training classes at least twice per week to tone and build muscle. The app offers lower body, upper body and full body workouts that range from 5 to 60 minutes long.

I usually take the 28-minute classes, which are a great workout but leave plenty of time in the day for work and adventures. Almost all of the strength classes can be completed with just a single set of dumbbells.

I travel with a set of adjustable dumbbells with removable weights. Depending on the amount of weights added, the dumbbells can be anywhere from 8 to 22 pounds each. This flexibility allows me to complete any workout with just one set of weights.

These weights and a yoga mat are all that are needed for most strength classes. If you don’t have dumbbells, there are also some bodyweight only classes that don’t require any equipment.

Mix It Up – 1x per Week

Yoga and strength training are the focus of my exercise routine, but I like to select another type of workout every week to mix things up. This keeps my exercise routine fun and adds more cardio when needed.

Other RV workouts I follow in the obé app, include dance classes (no equipment needed), boxing workouts (no equipment needed), barre workouts (use a chair as the barre) and sculpt classes (use the bars of my adjustable dumbbells as light weights).

The great thing about streaming fitness apps, like obé, is there are so many class options. The variety makes it easy to customize a workout plan that is fun and matches your current fitness level.

RV Travel Cardio Workouts

In addition to streaming workouts, I also keep in shape with a variety of fun, outdoor cardio workouts. Here are 3 cardio workouts that are super easy to complete while traveling in an RV.

Woman doing hula hooping workout outside RV.

Walking or Running

An obvious, but easy to execute RV travel workout is to simply run or walk. Most campgrounds and RV parks have a least a few miles of roads, where it is safe to run or power walk.

Hula Hooping

A less expected RV workout that I personally love is hula hooping. It is so fun and it is a great workout. According to LiveStrong, women can expect to burn about 165 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping.

A hoop is pretty easy to store in an RV. Mine easily slides into the closet in our bedroom, but it could also be stored behind the sofa, beside the bed or in the basement storage area. Of course, most RVs have limited floor space, so it is best to hoop outside.

The only equipment needed for this road trip workout is a weighted hoop (they are easier to use than cheap plastic ones) and a phone or speaker to play music.

Hooping is also a great family workout for RVers traveling with kids. Buy your children some small hoops and turn your workout into a family dance session.

Jump Roping

Another great cardio workout that requires even less RV storage space is jump roping. According to Shape, jump roping burns 10 calories per minute, so you can easily get in a major workout in less than half an hour.

A tangle-free jump rope is ideal for RV travel. It can be stored anywhere in your camper without having to untie knots before your workout.

As with hula hooping, this is an exercise you can do solo or make a group activity for the whole family.

Work Out while You Explore

Woman hiking on trail with yellow Aspen trees.

The whole point of living or traveling in an RV is to explore new places. It is always ideal when you can turn your exploration days into a workout, so you don’t have to worry about making extra time for your fitness routine.


My favorite way to combine adventure with fitness is to go on a hike. Some of my favorite travel memories are epic hikes we’ve taken. On our hikes we’ve seen huge waterfalls, encountered all sorts of wildlife and taken in some truly amazing views.

In fact, I often forget I’m working out because I am too busy enjoying myself! However, RV travelers should try to pick hikes where they will push themselves and not count short strolls as a full workout.

My personal rule is that the hike has to be as least 3 miles or 800 feet of elevation gain to count as my daily workout.


Kayaking is another great exercise that can be done in many scenic locations. While some RVers travel with kayaks (or paddleboards), we prefer to rent them occasionally so we don’t have to worry about securing them for travel days.

Of course, the intensity of your workout will depend on several factors including the body of water, currents, wind speed and how fast you paddle.

While kayaking is always a great upper body workout, it can also be a full body workout when done properly. According to Greg Barton, an Olympic kayaking gold medalist, “You want to push on the same side you’re paddling, rather than just rotating from the waist up, you’re actually rotating from the hips.”

Swimming and Water Aerobics

Many of the best RV destinations are close to the ocean or beautiful lakes. If you’re a strong swimmer, a day at the beach can easily include a quick lap session.

If you aren’t comfortable swimming long distances, you could still do water aerobics exercises to get your heart rate up. This 25-minute water workout published in the New York Times, that can be done in chest-deep water.

Take Local Classes

Outdoor yoga class with mountain view.

Just like we enjoy trying local restaurants as we travel, it’s always fun to visit local fitness studios to try new classes. I always try to visit local yoga studios in new destinations, and I am always on the search for unique workouts.

I use the MindBody app to find local classes. The app allows you to search classes at a variety of studios and gyms, and you can even book your classes from the app.

When we are in a destination for a longer time period, I look for studios that offer class packs at a discounted rate to avoid overspending.

Tips for Staying Healthy on the Road

Woman Chopping Food in RV Kitchen

Use your RV Kitchen

In addition to regular exercise, eating healthy is key to staying in shape while traveling. My biggest challenge in staying fit while living on the road is not eating out too much. I love trying new restaurants at every destination and am on a search for the best cheese fries in the country!

However, eating junk food too often was making me feel bad, and making it more difficult to enjoy the active RV lifestyle. Now, my husband and I cook healthy meals in our RV most of the time and try to limit meals out to twice per week.

This allows us to still enjoy the local eats without overdoing it too often.

Meal planning can be super helpful for both full-time RVers and weekend warriors. Stocking up your RV with healthy ingredients before every trip, ensures you will stay on track and not end up ordering pizza because you don’t have anything to cook.

Pack Travel Day Meals

One time we never eat out is on travel days. When driving or towing an RV, most of the restaurants with ample parking are fast food joints at truck stops. We’d rather splurge at local joints with high quality junk food, instead of eating fries on the road.

Instead we pack, healthy meals and snacks. In addition to being better for us, packing homemade road trip meals also saves us money and time on travel days.

My go-to road trip meal is a simple veggie wrap filled with hummus, black beans, pickled onions, tomatoes and greens.

Be Flexible

As I noted at the start of this article, one of the challenges of RV life is the lack of routine. In each new place we visit, we have a different schedule depending on the weather, time zone and local activities.

I love the excitement of an ever-changing life, but it makes it difficult to keep to a strict workout routine. My only hard and fast rule is that I need to exercise at least 5 times a week (unless I am sick or injured).

Many weeks, I am able to complete a streaming exercise class each morning. Other times, we’re in a beautiful destination with awesome hikes and I will choose to hike everyday instead.

But Prioritize your Workouts

While flexibility is key, so is consistency. If staying fit is a goal, prioritize your work outs. One trick to staying consistent is to plan your road trip workouts at night before going to bed.

By this time, you can check the weather for the next day and plan your activities. If your activities don’t include exercise, go ahead and plan your workout, decide what time it will be done and set an alarm clock on your phone as a reminder.

Staying healthy can be difficult regardless of how often you travel or where you live. However, the space limitations and constant movement associated with RV living can make it even more difficult.

However, being in shape also makes travel infinitely more fun. Working out regularly has given me the confidence to try harder hikes, which allows me to see even more beautiful places.

If you are new to RV travel, check out my top 10 favorite road trips.

Happy Camping!

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